Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Hard Times in the English Sex Industry": The Truth Behind England's Restrictions on Internet Porn

Technological advances have lead to elimination of many old economy jobs now it is apparent that the oldest economy job is suffering at the hands of our Robot Overlords.

Back in May the Economist ran an article that explains how English sex workers have seen a nearly 2/3's reduction in clients between 2012 and 2013. Economist: Prostitution 

Is it any coincidence that two months after this poor woman known in the Economist article as "Debbie" mentioned that things had gotten so rough for the sex trade that she could make more money making furniture than turning tricks British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that pornography would be blocked by default in the United Kingdom? U.K. Porn Crack Down

While I am in favor of using technological advances to create a more efficient and profitable economy I have to be somewhat concerned about the repercussions on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. It is possible that the easy access of mastibatory material on the internet could lead to a strong decline in strip club attendance which would have far reaching economic consequences.

A decline in stripclub attendance could easily lead to strong losses in the glitter, stiletto, lingerie, plastic surgery and illegal drug industries. This would be taking money out of the hands of those recklessly spend it on whatever new shiny object is now in fashion. It could get so bad that we might end up with a world in which men are so contented by internet pornography that pretty girls will have to buy their own drinks and guys quit overtipping bartenders in hopes they will get their phone number.

We as a society cannot stand for this I am therefore encouraging all of my readers to support their local sex workers and strippers before they go away and we all suffer. 

And as always tip your waitresses and bartenders